Sunday, October 14, 2007

James 1:1-8

Hello, just thought that I would summarize what I taught in today's sun school here. =)

After finishing Psalms, we are starting on James today. Coincendentally which YF just finished reading.

Chapter 1:1-8

James, brother of Jesus, writing to the Christians dispersed throughout the Roman empire. To encourage them that through faith in Christ, evidently good actions will be borne out of it. And not to jsut be a hypocrite professing in name to be a Christian but actions show other wise.

v2. Trials of many kinds bring about perseverance. Perseverance -> though under trials, you continue to await upon the Lord's deliverance.

With perseverance comes (v3) maturity and completeness which we need no other quality.

v5. We can ask for wisdom if we ask in faith. Definition of wisdom? I would define it as "in all areas of your life, the decisions you make, the actions you make, the words you say, all are according to the teachings of God's Word in the Bible." In short, gloryfing God with our every move by doing it in accordance with the teachings in the bible.'s my short summary...let's await 1:9-18 in the coming week! =D

Glory be to the Lord.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Contemporary Worship - The civil war in church today

Contemporary Worship - The civil war in church today

Main points that I can remember from John Macarthur regarding some principles on contemporary(modern) worship,

- Having something new in worship isn't wrong. New style of worship does not equate to wrong worship. Cultures together with man may evolved. But what is important is the below...

- Worship is worshipping God with your Spirit and truth. Earnestly praising the Lord.

- If any music (which is often contemporary) links itself to sex, drugs or other biblical condemned themes, we should seek to disassociate such music from worship.

- Music and its lyrics should aid us in bringing ourselves to a better state of worship. And doing so with an intellectual mind, as Jesus commanded, worshipping in Spirit and in Truth.

- Worship should purely be directed against God, not a means to entice non-believers to join the church. If worship was just to entice new people, and was associated with secular music, the non-believer would not feel the church much different from the world. We deprive him of an environment where we truly worship the Holy God.

- there can be times where we worship God informally, like when we are with friends, family for example. But there is a time where we call and congregate men together and worship God and listen to His Word where there is nothing more dignified and important than being in the presence of God. That's where we wear our best in the presence of the Lord, not some holey jeans or attire going to the beach. What we wear some times affect how we live our lifes and how we treat God.

To find out more about John MacArthur and his ministry, you can visit