Monday, August 6, 2007

Man does not live by bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.

I think many would remember this day. This day, when the Straits Times index plunged by almost 4% in a single day in the process wiping the earnings that many have waited for months. Reason being? Splill over from the US market over news of exposure to sub-prime mortgages.

As we live today, many still depend on assets as the security needed in life. Had a chat with a colleague during lunch. He was sharing with me that he would like to have his finance firmly grounded with investments before he goes and does any more exotic things. Totally agree with him. But financial investments alone as spoken best by King Solomon himself, will lead to meaningless. Toiling so hard only to leave your fortune behind to someone who did not earn it. Jesus tells us that man does not live on bread alone. In today's context, man does not live on property, investments alone. But by God's Word.

For those who follow the church bible reading plan, Romans chapter 8, Paul tells us about life through the Spririt. Where the simple truth is that if you have believed in Jesus's salvation, though you are dead in sin, you gain life through Him. Our sins, are cleansed once and for all. Dead in sin. Sin, something which we keep reviving. But may God help us, the strength, the conviction to overcome.

I write all these with a reminder to myself that I have to walk the talk and I pray that I can do the same. Man does not live by bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4.

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Anonymous said...
