Sunday, October 5, 2008

Isaiah 65-66

Isaiah 65

Judgment and Salvation


God is shouting to his people, that He is there! He has revealed himself!

However, his people are too busy in worshipping idols, provoking God, think that they are too sacred for the one True God (whom they think is an inferior god), to notice His call to come back to him.


Are we too busy in our lives of sin to forget about God calling out to come back to Him?

Qns:In what ways do people ignore the calling and seeking of God?

1. Being dragged away into the world. Mixing with wrong company, friends. Slowly, we are blinded, with ears not hearing , eyes not seeing. Forget about going to church, don’t feel like going to church, it’s a waste of time reading the bible.

2. Placing studies and work at a higher priority than God. When we have to give time up for one, we often choose to give time up for God. But this will often lead to emptiness/vanity. God is not with us in what we do. Many times, it leads to failure and regret.


Great difference between airplane, and car, bicycle, boat. They can stop without danger. Can reverse.

But there is no reverse/stop for a plane. If it loses momentum, will sstall and crash.

Only safety for plane is forward and upward motion.

Only safe direction for a Christian is forward and upward. If he stops, will begin to slip and go backward, and that moment, is in danger.

Insensitive to God’s seeking, means stalling/crashing. V17. meet their end.


Only way, to keep on pursing God’s Word, being sensitive to the Word of God. Make each day better than the previous! Don’t be self satisfied, but to better each day!


God will judge these people for going against him. These people did not learn from their fathers but repeated their mistakes.


God will preserve a remnant. The remnant will inherit God’s grace.

我要命定你们归在刀下,都必屈身被杀,因为我呼唤,你们没有答应。我说话,你们没有听从。反倒行我眼中看为恶的,拣选我所不喜玫摹? Back to v1-5, God has called but the people did not answer. Did not listen. Hence, God will slaughter them.


God’s servants will eat, drink, rejoice, sing, joy

People whom have heard God but rejected/ignored him will be hungry, thirsty, in shame, cry, in anguish.


New Heavens and a New Earth


Isaiah 66

Judgment and Hope



2 Has not my hand made all these things,

and so they came into being?"

declares the LORD.

"This is the one I esteem:

he who is humble and contrite (repentant) in spirit,

and trembles at my word.

‘Repent’ Illustration:

Sun sch teacher asked what was meant by “repentance”. Little boy, “It is being sorry for your sins.”

Little girl – “It is being sorry enough to quit.”

Epigram on Repentance

True repentance has a double aspect, it looks upon things post with a weeping eye, and upon the future with a watchful eye (trembling at God’s Word).


The people’s worship was not favoured by God. God has stated that he esteems those who are humble, repentant, fears His Word rather than those who indulge in aimless rituals.

Same theme as v1-5.


Parallels to Jesus, brothers will hate you because of me. Yet, in the end, the Lord will be glorified and we will be joyful.


God offers hope to this people. Will restore Jerusalem whom acts like a mother to the people. People will rest


17 "Those who consecrate and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following the one in the midst of [b] those who eat the flesh of pigs and rats and other abominable things—they will meet their end together," declares the LORD.


Monday, September 29, 2008

蒙阅纳的敬拜 Isaiah 58-59

True Worship – 蒙阅纳的敬拜
Israelites had finally rebuilt the temple and joyfully participating in its rites/rituals/fasts.
Saw themselves as very religious people carrying out God’s instructions precisely.
God showed Israel’s true character, what a shock for self-satisfied people of God!
God’s children,
- to learn true worship
- seeking justice and compassion
- only then, God will satisfy your needs

Coming to worship and asking God what he wanted is not enough, God’s people must DO what God wants.
‘worship’ -> ‘service’

58:1 - 你要大声喊叫,不可止息,扬起声来好像吹角,向我百姓说明他们的过犯,向雅各家说明他们的罪恶。
Prophet Isaish was tasked by God to declare the people’s sins to them. Because the people didn’t saw their own sin, yet thought they were holy and righteous,58:2 - 他们天天寻求我,乐意明白我的道。好像行义的国民,不离弃他们神的典章,向我求问公义的判语,喜悦亲近神。
They seek God, seem eager to know his ways, had not forsaken his commands, asked God for decisions,58:3 - 他们说,我们禁食,你为何不看见呢。我们刻苦己心(humbled ourselves),你为何不理会呢。
People put on a great show as if they obeyed everything God had commanded.
God starts to rebuke them.
看哪,你们禁食的日子,仍求利益,勒逼人为你们作苦工。58:4- 你们禁食,却互相争竞,以凶恶的拳头打人。你们今日禁食,不得使你们的声音听闻于上。 They fasted, humbled themselves(put on a great show), but still led a life where they could do as they please.
Not only that, but caused the oppression of others.
-End up quarrelling, fighting with each other.
God wanted people to show their religion through concern and help for other people in need.
What does fasting do?
Fasting meant focusing on God and deep sorrow for their sin.
Over time, some Hebrews began to see fasting as a ritual that could earn God’s favour. “If we fast, God will bless us.”
Isaiah knew rituals were pointless unless motivated by sincere faith and obedience to God’s moral law.
The fasting God wants is in v.6-7. Ensure justice, set the oppressed free, share food with the hungry, provide poor wanderer with shelter, clothe the naked.

How did the Israelites exploit people?
-Overworked their servants – caused them not to be able to attend worship services,
-been inhospitable to strangers,
-ignored needs to the poor,
-used bribes to get their way
No regard for God and His laws.
1. Ourselves? We exploit our
-friends, eg. Divorcing family, a sister “I can’t understand that if you love Jesus and he loves Jesus, why are you doing that?”. The pain of it was that the couple both loved Jesus but the marriage was broken beyond mending. If she had just put her arms “I’m so sorry”
Sister. Stood for right so strongly that could not reach out to the person who was in hurting and in need.
A little girl’s prayer. Dear God, make all the bad people good and the good people kind.
We should help others in need.

2. Quarrelling/Fighting
-Hate each other in our minds

3. -Don’t be proud of our humility. Always be reminded of God’s grace.
58:5 - 这样禁食,岂是我所拣选使人刻苦己心的日子麽。岂是叫人垂头像苇子,用麻布和炉灰铺在他以下麽。你这可称为禁食为耶和华所悦纳的日子麽。
1. Let us not dwell in false humility.
2. We pray that our service is acceptable to God.58:6 - 我所拣选的禁食,不是要松开凶恶的绳,解下轭上的索,使被欺压的得自由,折断一切的轭麽。 58:7 - 不是要把你的饼,分给饥饿的人。将飘流的穷人,接到你家中。见赤身的,给他衣服遮体。顾恤自己的骨肉而不掩藏麽。
Can social works replace spiritual disciplines?
No. Works can’t replace spiritual disciplines. But religious rituals cannot replace them either (theme emphasized in this chapter). God despises empty rituals done by empty people.

Word and Deed have to be balanced. The church though have deeds(old aged home, visitation, offering), maybe limited in some ways, but we live out the deeds in our daily lives! True worship, not waiting till the synagogue moves, but towards each own personels.
58:8 - 这样你的光就必发现如早晨的光。你所得的医治,要速速发明。你的公义,必在你面前行。耶和华的荣光,必作你的后盾。 58:9 - 那时你求告,耶和华必应允。你呼求,他必说,我在这里。你若从你中间除掉重轭,和指摘人的指头,并发恶言的事。 The blessed results we get from true worship. God with us.
We must remove oppression, finger pointing, malicious talk (gossip), but increase in satisfying needs of the oppressed.
God will answer the prayers of obedient servants. God is present only for his people only when his people are present for others.
In contrast to James, when God does not answer because we ask with the wrong motives.
Don’t oppress,
point fingers (very easy to do so when bad things happen, but we pray for the silence when needed. Qns: Keep silent always? We rebuke of the person’s sin, not the person)

58:10 - 你心若向饥饿的人发怜悯,使困苦的人得满足。你的光就必在黑暗中发现,你的幽暗必变如正午。 58:13 - 你若在安息日掉转(或作谨慎)你的脚步,在我圣日不以操作为喜乐,称安息日为可喜乐的,称耶和华的圣日为可尊重的。而且尊敬这日,不办自己的私事,不随自己的私意,不说自己的私话。
Worship is according to God’s way. Not by our own way, as we please (follow the revealed way of worship, church growth, evangelizing), or speaking idle words (have to prepare sermons, Sunday school, chairman, translation!).
There will be a revival if proper respect for God and His worship ruled the day.58:14 - 你就以耶和华为乐。耶和华要使你乘驾地的高处。又以你祖雅各的产业养育你。这是耶和华亲口说的。

Lastly, true worship -> True Confession
59:12 - 我们的过犯在你面前增多,罪恶作见证告我们。过犯与我们同在。至于我们的罪孽,我们都知道。
Take a sin inventory, Repent of sins.

True religion: Combination of helping the needy and proper respect for the worship observances as revealed by God.
We repent in word and in God’s righteousness and justice. Also, offer love and grace to other people and provide their basic needs even when they cost us.
It may really be inconvenient, but that’s when the deed really comes in.

59:20 - 必有一位救赎主,来到锡安雅各族中转离过犯的人那里。这是耶和华说的。 God promised to come to his people as their redeemer, but only to those who repent of their sins.

- More than outward religious rites are needed to find God’s favour
- Can be eager to know God and go through all religious services and actions yet still find God’s judgement
- Examine our lives and see if we exhibit true religion in our lives. Or are we simply going through motions of what the church requires?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12

Isaiah chp 1-39, God’s messages of judgement because of Israel’s sinfulness.
Isaiah chp 40-66 God’s messages of comfort.
God’s promise to His people to return to their land and of the coming savior.
Chp 40-48
Isaiah told people that Israel’s enemies were used by God to teach them a lesson.
When Israel repented, enemies would be destroyed and Israel given back its strength.
Chp 49-66
Description in detail the savior God promised to send.
Chp 52-53
Below passage, one of the climatic portions of the description of the Messiah.
God calls Jerusalem to wake up ready for his redemption.
God introduces his servant who was so scarred and ugly that his appearance was appalling.
God promises to exalt him.
The insignificant servant knew suffering and human sorrow.
His suffering had purpose. Bored punishment for our sins to bring us peace.
We sinful man, strayed like sheep, but God had punishment on him.
He endured it without complain. Endured death penalty though he was innocent.
God’s purpose was fulfilled, making the servant an offering to cover our guilt.
Death and burial do not complete the story. He will live anew and will be exalted by God because he bore the sins of man.

The Suffering Servant

Miracle on the River Kwai
Missing shovel, officer threatened to kill all slaves. One man stepped out, beaten to death.
Second tool check, miscounted.
An innocent man was willing to die for others!
POW began to treat each other like brothers. Allies later won war, POWs insisted no more hatred, no more killing. Sacrifical love has transforming power.

Servant referring to? Israel, remnant of Israel, but both could not fully fulfill the conditions. Jesus could!

52:13 - 我的仆人行事必有智慧,(或作行事通达)必被高举上升,且成为至高。
Jesus acted with wisdom. Give illustrations. Eg. Adulterous woman. Any more stories?52:14 - 许多人因他(原文作你)惊奇,(他的面貌比别人憔悴,他的形容比世人枯槁) 52:15 - 这样,他必洗净(或作鼓励)许多国民。君王要向他闭口。因所未曾传与他们的,他们必看见。未曾听见的,他们要明白。
Jesus will wash the sins of man.
Heb 10:14因为他一次献祭,便叫那得以成圣的人永远完全。
53:1 - 我们所传的,(或作所传与我们的)有谁信呢。耶和华的膀臂向谁显露呢。
Note of astonishment! They had seen the arm of the Lord revealed!
Jesus, was the Word which became flesh, God revealed in the form of man. God had revealed himself to man. Question is. Is man willing to believe, accept and abide by God’s revelation?
Challenge: Do we truly believe the revelation of God, the bible? Christmas day, Good Friday, we truly believe?53:2 - 他在耶和华面前生长如嫩芽(nen4 ya2),像根出于乾地。他无佳形美容,我们看见他的时候,也无美貌使我们羡慕他。
Tender plant. Jesus was born in a manger, full of filth and smell from animals dung. Try going to the zoo! (Manger not our typical Christmas card manger with cute animals and perfume.)There he was in a manger, so weak, so helpless. From the heavenly throne in heaven, to a human being in a lowly manger.
Jesus didn’t come and attract people with looks. Principle: We should not attract people to church by asthetics, by good looking people, to look for prospective partners. Jesus attracted people because of his compassionate, love and more importantly, his Truth that he is God and has offered salvation to man.53:3 - He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were [our] faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.- 他被藐视,被人厌弃,多受痛苦,常经忧患。他被藐视,      好像被人掩面不看的一样。我们也不尊重他。
Despised by the Pharisees, despised/rejected by his brothers, despised by people when he was at the cross, by the roman soldiers whom mocked him and asked him to save himself.
Rejected by his disciples, rejected by Judah. The light did not receive him.
Acquainted with grief. Wept at Gethsemane, sad for the people that did not know what they were doing.
Today, he is rejected to this day. Jesus just a man, a great prophet, married Mary had children.
Familiar with suffering. He knows the sufferings we are going through.Rejection by bros, friends, disciples, co-workers. He was wronged. Loved but was not loved back.
Application: Jesus knows our inner depths more than we know ourselves. Let’s learn to rely on him and trust him for all our sufferings.53:4 - Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.- 他诚然担当我们的忧患,背负我们的痛苦。我们却以为他受责罚,被神击打苦待了。
He bore our sins, yet we thought he was punished by God, like Job’s friends. The thought of the Pharisees and teachers might had when they saw Jesus crucified supposedly for blasphemy,53:5 - But he [was] wounded for our transgressions, [he was] bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace [was] upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.- 那知他为我们的过犯受害,为我们的罪孽压伤。因他受的刑罚我们得平安。因他受的鞭伤我们得医治。
His sufferings on the cross. O.T. people might not understand the idea of Christ dying for their sins. The animal sacrifices were a shadow of Christ’s dying on the cross for us. God’s prophecy here for the people of Isaiah’s day to look ahead to the suffering of the Messiah resulting in the forgiveness of sins for man. 53:6 - All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.- 我们都如羊走迷,各人偏行己路。耶和华使我们众人的罪孽都归在他身上。
We have the complete picture now. The complete revelation of salvation. We used to be dumb sheep but now, we are sheep that can see better now. Let us follow the good shepherd, able to listen to his voice, lest not that God holds us accountable for knowing even more yet still rejecting him.

我是好牧人,好牧人为羊舍命。John 10:1153:7 - He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.- 他被欺压,在受苦的时候却不开口。(或作他受欺压却自卑不开口)他像羊羔被牵到宰杀之地,又像羊在剪毛的人手下无声,他也是这样不开口。
Sheep before her shearer is obedient, quiet. Jesus, was obedient, submissive to the will of his Father, knowing full well he was to be killed.53:8 - He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.- 因受欺压和审判他被夺去。至于他同世的人,谁想他受鞭打,从活人之地被剪除,是因我百姓的罪过呢。 53:9 - And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither [was any] deceit in his mouth.- 他虽然未行强暴,口中也没有诡诈,人还使他与恶人同埋。谁知死的时候与财主同葬。
Emphasized his sinlessness.53:10 - 耶和华却定意(或作喜悦)将他压伤,使他受痛苦。耶和华以他为赎罪祭。(或作他献本身为赎罪祭)他必看见后裔,并且延长年日,耶和华所喜悦的事,必在他手中亨通。
It was the Lord’s will that Jesus was crucified, but there was to come, God’s favour, God’s prosper on him.
53:11 - 他必看见自己劳苦的功效,便心满意足。有许多人,因认识我的义仆得称为义。并且他要担当他们的罪孽。
We are saved not because of our works but because of Christ’s work on the cross.53:12 - Therefore will I divide him [a portion] with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.- 所以我要使他与位大的同分,与强盛的均分掳物。因为他将命倾倒,以致于死。他也被列在罪犯之中。他却担当多人的罪,又为罪犯代求。

God chose to save the world through a humble, suffering servant. Rejected headlines and heroism. Drew no attention to himself.
What can we say to such love?
How will we respond to him?

What is this servant doing for us and what he is calling us to do for others?
The suffering servant called his church to take up the cross and follow him. The church is to be the suffering servant for its generation.
Forsake, political, economic, and military games of the world’s rise to prominence and success.
Take on suffering servant’s identity and unremarkable appearance for our generation, bringing people to know Jesus as their offering for sin and savior. Ready to sacrifice our lives for the salvation of our generation.

Jesus our substitute – Martin Luther
Christ became the greatest murderer, adulterer, thief, blasphemer, etc. in the world for ever. For he made a sacrifice for sins of the whole world, is now not an innocent person and without sin because he had become man’s substitute.
On him, the sins of Peter the denier, Paul the persecutor, David the adulterer, sinner which ate the fruit in Eden, thief that hanged on the cross. Here now comes the law and said, He is a sinner, therefore, die on the cross. By this the whole world is purged and cleansed of all sins for those who accept this substitution.

His Love is manifested on the cross. To Jesus, “You are my righteousness, I am your sin. You have taken upon yourself what is mine and given me what is yours. You became what you were not so that I might become what I was not.”

‘In the cross’ hymn.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Isaiah 42:1-7

Isaiah 42:1-7
The Servant of the Lord

1 "Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations.

May refer to many persons, but pointing to the absolute fulfillment, is Jesus Christ.
Referring to Matthew 3:17
"This is My Son, the dearly loved, in whom is My delight."
Jesus Christ, a son whom God delights in.

The Spirit is on Jesus, John 1:32-34
32Then John gave this testimony: "I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him. 33I would not have known him, except that the one who sent me to baptize with water told me, 'The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is he who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.' 34I have seen and I testify that this is the Son of God."

He will bring justice to the nations. v2,3,4. Fulfilled in His second coming, when He reigns on His throne of justice.

2 He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the streets.
3 A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice;
4 he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. In his law the islands will put their hope."
5 This is what God the LORD says— he who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and all that comes out of it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it:
6 "I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles,
7 to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.

Jesus came as a servant, submitting to the Lord, by the authority and power from the Lord. A saviour to Gentiles, to free all from captivity, who those in the darkness.

John 1:3-9
3Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4In him was life, and that life was the light of men. 5The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood[
a] it.
6There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. 7He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. 8He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. 9The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world.[

Above is an example of the bible's one common theme. Jesus Christ as saviour, first a shadow revealed in Isaiah, and later the reality in John. Praise the Lord!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Isaiah 39

Isaiah 39
Envoys From Babylon

1 At that time Merodach-Baladan son of Baladan king of Babylon sent Hezekiah letters and a gift, because he had heard of his illness and recovery. 2 Hezekiah received the envoys gladly and showed them what was in his storehouses—the silver, the gold, the spices, the fine oil, his entire armory and everything found among his treasures. There was nothing in his palace or in all his kingdom that Hezekiah did not show them.

By receiving Babylon, Hezekiah showed his interest in an alliance. Something that God forbids as He wanted reliance on Him, rather than a political alliance with a country that idolizes false gods.

Princple: Again, we are reminded that we have to rely on God rather than on worldly means especially if when these means get disfavour with God.

3 Then Isaiah the prophet went to King Hezekiah and asked, "What did those men say, and where did they come from?" "From a distant land," Hezekiah replied. "They came to me from Babylon."
4 The prophet asked, "What did they see in your palace?" "They saw everything in my palace," Hezekiah said. "There is nothing among my treasures that I did not show them."
5 Then Isaiah said to Hezekiah, "Hear the word of the LORD Almighty: 6 The time will surely come when everything in your palace, and all that your fathers have stored up until this day, will be carried off to Babylon. Nothing will be left, says the LORD. 7 And some of your descendants, your own flesh and blood who will be born to you, will be taken away, and they will become eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon."
8 "The word of the LORD you have spoken is good," Hezekiah replied. For he thought, "There will be peace and security in my lifetime."

Isaiah 38

Isaiah 38
Hezekiah's Illness

1 In those days Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death. The prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to him and said, "This is what the LORD says: Put your house in order, because you are going to die; you will not recover."
2 Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the LORD, 3 "Remember, O LORD, how I have walked before you faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and have done what is good in your eyes." And Hezekiah wept bitterly.
4 Then the word of the LORD came to Isaiah: 5 "Go and tell Hezekiah, 'This is what the LORD, the God of your father David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will add fifteen years to your life. 6 And I will deliver you and this city from the hand of the king of Assyria. I will defend this city.
7 " 'This is the LORD's sign to you that the LORD will do what he has promised: 8 I will make the shadow cast by the sun go back the ten steps it has gone down on the stairway of Ahaz.' " So the sunlight went back the ten steps it had gone down.

In times of most need, Hezekiah turns to God answers his plea and saves him.

9 A writing of Hezekiah king of Judah after his illness and recovery:
10 I said, "In the prime of my life must I go through the gates of death and be robbed of the rest of my years?"
11 I said, "I will not again see the LORD, the LORD, in the land of the living; no longer will I look on mankind, or be with those who now dwell in this world. [b]
12 Like a shepherd's tent my house has been pulled down and taken from me. Like a weaver I have rolled up my life, and he has cut me off from the loom; day and night you made an end of me.
13 I waited patiently till dawn, but like a lion he broke all my bones; day and night you made an end of me.
14 I cried like a swift or thrush, I moaned like a mourning dove. My eyes grew weak as I looked to the heavens. I am troubled; O Lord, come to my aid!"
15 But what can I say? He has spoken to me, and he himself has done this. I will walk humbly all my years because of this anguish of my soul.

Hezekiah knows that it is God's grace that he can continue to live, hence he ought to live in humility knowing that anything he has is not by his own doing but God's grace.

16 Lord, by such things men live; and my spirit finds life in them too. You restored me to health and let me live.
17 Surely it was for my benefit that I suffered such anguish.

Hezekiah acknowledges that it was for his benefit that he suffered such anguish.

Application: Let us know God's benefit for us when we go through suffering. The correct response is to turn to him instead of blaming Him.

In your love you kept me from the pit of destruction; you have put all my sins behind your back.

Again, originally we are not fit to stand before God because of your sins, but He has blocked out our sins. Saved us from the pit of destruction.

18 For the grave cannot praise you, death cannot sing your praise; those who go down to the pit cannot hope for your faithfulness.
19 The living, the living—they praise you, as I am doing today; fathers tell their children about your faithfulness.
20 The LORD will save me, and we will sing with stringed instruments all the days of our lives in the temple of the LORD.
21 Isaiah had said, "Prepare a poultice of figs and apply it to the boil, and he will recover."
22 Hezekiah had asked, "What will be the sign that I will go up to the temple of the LORD ?"

Monday, August 25, 2008

Isaiah 37

Isaiah 37
Jerusalem's Deliverance Foretold

1 When King Hezekiah heard this, he tore his clothes and put on sackcloth and went into the temple of the LORD. 2 He sent Eliakim the palace administrator, Shebna the secretary, and the leading priests, all wearing sackcloth, to the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz. 3 They told him, "This is what Hezekiah says: This day is a day of distress and rebuke and disgrace, as when children come to the point of birth and there is no strength to deliver them. 4 It may be that the LORD your God will hear the words of the field commander, whom his master, the king of Assyria, has sent to ridicule the living God, and that he will rebuke him for the words the LORD your God has heard. Therefore pray for the remnant that still survives."

Hezekiah's response here was appropriate, when all skies turn dark, he turned to God.

5 When King Hezekiah's officials came to Isaiah, 6 Isaiah said to them, "Tell your master, 'This is what the LORD says: Do not be afraid of what you have heard—those words with which the underlings of the king of Assyria have blasphemed me. 7 Listen! I am going to put a spirit in him so that when he hears a certain report, he will return to his own country, and there I will have him cut down with the sword.' "

The true and faithful God, responses to Hezekiah.
Principle: When skies turn dark, let's turn to God and learn to wait upon God's answer. It might be that His answer brings about immediate deliverance, like in this instance, or that the correct time has not arrived, in which we learn to wait upon the Lord, like for eg. when Daniel waited for 70 years before he and his people could leave exile in Babylon, or it could be that God's answer is that we go through this refining fire, like how Jesus died on the cross, because that hath to be done for a greater good in God's plan.

8 When the field commander heard that the king of Assyria had left Lachish, he withdrew and found the king fighting against Libnah.
9 Now Sennacherib received a report that Tirhakah, the Cushite [a] king of Egypt , was marching out to fight against him. When he heard it, he sent messengers to Hezekiah with this word: 10 "Say to Hezekiah king of Judah: Do not let the god you depend on deceive you when he says, 'Jerusalem will not be handed over to the king of Assyria.' 11 Surely you have heard what the kings of Assyria have done to all the countries, destroying them completely. And will you be delivered? 12 Did the gods of the nations that were destroyed by my forefathers deliver them—the gods of Gozan, Haran, Rezeph and the people of Eden who were in Tel Assar? 13 Where is the king of Hamath, the king of Arpad, the king of the city of Sepharvaim, or of Hena or Ivvah?"

Now the taunting comes from Sennacherib himself. Again, mocking God and exerting human supremacy, even to the point where man becomes divine, like a god.

Hezekiah's Prayer
14 Hezekiah received the letter from the messengers and read it. Then he went up to the temple of the LORD and spread it out before the LORD. 15 And Hezekiah prayed to the LORD : 16 "O LORD Almighty, God of Israel, enthroned between the cherubim, you alone are God over all the kingdoms of the earth. You have made heaven and earth. 17 Give ear, O LORD, and hear; open your eyes, O LORD, and see; listen to all the words Sennacherib has sent to insult the living God.
18 "It is true, O LORD, that the Assyrian kings have laid waste all these peoples and their lands. 19 They have thrown their gods into the fire and destroyed them, for they were not gods but only wood and stone, fashioned by human hands. 20 Now, O LORD our God, deliver us from his hand, so that all kingdoms on earth may know that you alone, O LORD, are God. [b] "

Hezekiah rightfully turns to God, acknowledging that He is the one true God. All the other gods that Assyria had destroyed were but products of the human hand. Hezekiah asserts his faith that God will deliver them, and by that all on earth will know that He alone is the one true God.

If we meet with troubles of any kind, let our response be turning to God. Not blaming him, but praising Him that He is the one true God. There are no other gods in the world but idols - products of man.

Sennacherib's Fall
21 Then Isaiah son of Amoz sent a message to Hezekiah: "This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: Because you have prayed to me concerning Sennacherib king of Assyria, 22 this is the word the LORD has spoken against him: "The Virgin Daughter of Zion despises and mocks you. The Daughter of Jerusalem tosses her head as you flee.
23 Who is it you have insulted and blasphemed? Against whom have you raised your voice and lifted your eyes in pride? Against the Holy One of Israel!
24 By your messengers you have heaped insults on the Lord. And you have said, 'With my many chariots I have ascended the heights of the mountains, the utmost heights of Lebanon. I have cut down its tallest cedars, the choicest of its pines. I have reached its remotest heights, the finest of its forests.
25 I have dug wells in foreign lands [c] and drunk the water there. With the soles of my feet I have dried up all the streams of Egypt.'
26 "Have you not heard? Long ago I ordained it. In days of old I planned it; now I have brought it to pass, that you have turned fortified cities into piles of stone.

The fact that Assyria reigned its military might was ordained by God. It was all part of God's plan. Assyria has no right to assert his power as it was given by God.

27 Their people, drained of power, are dismayed and put to shame. They are like plants in the field, like tender green shoots, like grass sprouting on the roof, scorched [d] before it grows up.
28 "But I know where you stay and when you come and go and how you rage against me.
29 Because you rage against me and because your insolence has reached my ears, I will put my hook in your nose and my bit in your mouth, and I will make you return by the way you came.

Hook in your nose, bit in my mouth refers to the hook in a horses's nose and bit is the strangle in the horse's mouth that controls the horses direction. Whereever the rider pulls, the horse will experience pain and head towards that direction. God is going to handle Assyria painfully because it has raged against God and was insolent towards God.

30 "This will be the sign for you, O Hezekiah: "This year you will eat what grows by itself, and the second year what springs from that. But in the third year sow and reap, plant vineyards and eat their fruit.
31 Once more a remnant of the house of Judah will take root below and bear fruit above.
32 For out of Jerusalem will come a remnant, and out of Mount Zion a band of survivors. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this.
33 "Therefore this is what the LORD says concerning the king of Assyria: "He will not enter this city or shoot an arrow here. He will not come before it with shield or build a siege ramp against it.
34 By the way that he came he will return; he will not enter this city," declares the LORD.
35 "I will defend this city and save it, for my sake and for the sake of David my servant!"

God will preserve Judah for the sake of His promise to David, that a descendant of David will rule in Jerusalem. And indeed, by kingship, and more importantly, the genealogy from David to Joseph, to Jesus, the true King.

36 Then the angel of the LORD went out and put to death a hundred and eighty-five thousand men in the Assyrian camp. When the people got up the next morning—there were all the dead bodies! 37 So Sennacherib king of Assyria broke camp and withdrew. He returned to Nineveh and stayed there.
38 One day, while he was worshiping in the temple of his god Nisroch, his sons Adrammelech and Sharezer cut him down with the sword, and they escaped to the land of Ararat. And Esarhaddon his son succeeded him as king.

God's Word has and always will be fulfilled. His assurance of preservation, His judgement, all will come to pass. Sennacherib, a mighty king who conquered many nations, in a state now that no one would ever expect or want.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Isaiah 36

Isaiah 36
Sennacherib Threatens Jerusalem
1 In the fourteenth year of King Hezekiah's reign, Sennacherib king of Assyria attacked all the fortified cities of Judah and captured them. 2 Then the king of Assyria sent his field commander with a large army from Lachish to King Hezekiah at Jerusalem. When the commander stopped at the aqueduct of the Upper Pool, on the road to the Washerman's Field, 3 Eliakim son of Hilkiah the palace administrator, Shebna the secretary, and Joah son of Asaph the recorder went out to him.

Assryia starts to assert its authority. Sennacherib sends his representative, the field commander to meet Hezekiah's representatives.

4 The field commander said to them, "Tell Hezekiah, " 'This is what the great king, the king of Assyria, says: On what are you basing this confidence of yours? 5 You say you have strategy and military strength—but you speak only empty words. On whom are you depending, that you rebel against me? 6 Look now, you are depending on Egypt, that splintered reed of a staff, which pierces a man's hand and wounds him if he leans on it! Such is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all who depend on him. 7 And if you say to me, "We are depending on the LORD our God"-isn't he the one whose high places and altars Hezekiah removed, saying to Judah and Jerusalem, "You must worship before this altar"?

Assryia starts to taunt Hezekiah. Firstly that Hezekiah does not have the strategy and military strength.
Second, the alliance with Egypt will not work, Egypt will just betray Hezekiah. Even an outsider knows that!
Sometimes we are just too blinded and can't think clear enough to realize the clear and present
dangers around us.
Thirdly, that Assryia knows that Hezekiah actually doesn't have a good relationship with God. Hence, God will not preserve Hezekiah. Hezekiah did not bear a good testimony.


Sometimes, we are just like Hezekiah, portraying to others that God does not actually live in our lives. We carry with our sin, our daily living, and only when in need, we seek God only God to find God's judgement on us.

8 " 'Come now, make a bargain with my master, the king of Assyria: I will give you two thousand horses—if you can put riders on them! 9 How then can you repulse one officer of the least of my master's officials, even though you are depending on Egypt for chariots and horsemen? 10 Furthermore, have I come to attack and destroy this land without the LORD ? The LORD himself told me to march against this country and destroy it.' "

Taunting continues. Assyria can do a better job in terms of military might rather than to rely on Egypt. It would be far more sensible to rely on Assyria than on Egypt.

The shocking taunt, that Assyria realizes that it is an instrument used by God to attack Judah. But God using Assyria does not clear Assyria of its sin. We see that the merciful God preserves Judah and fends off its attacks.

11 Then Eliakim, Shebna and Joah said to the field commander, "Please speak to your servants in Aramaic, since we understand it. Don't speak to us in Hebrew in the hearing of the people on the wall."
12 But the commander replied, "Was it only to your master and you that my master sent me to say these things, and not to the men sitting on the wall—who, like you, will have to eat their own filth and drink their own urine?"

Hezekiah did not want the civilians to hear of the taunting, which would demoralize the people and lose their faith.

13 Then the commander stood and called out in Hebrew, "Hear the words of the great king, the king of Assyria! 14 This is what the king says: Do not let Hezekiah deceive you. He cannot deliver you! 15 Do not let Hezekiah persuade you to trust in the LORD when he says, 'The LORD will surely deliver us; this city will not be given into the hand of the king of Assyria.'
16 "Do not listen to Hezekiah. This is what the king of Assyria says: Make peace with me and come out to me. Then every one of you will eat from his own vine and fig tree and drink water from his own cistern, 17 until I come and take you to a land like your own—a land of grain and new wine, a land of bread and vineyards.
18 "Do not let Hezekiah mislead you when he says, 'The LORD will deliver us.' Has the god of any nation ever delivered his land from the hand of the king of Assyria? 19 Where are the gods of Hamath and Arpad? Where are the gods of Sepharvaim? Have they rescued Samaria from my hand? 20 Who of all the gods of these countries has been able to save his land from me? How then can the LORD deliver Jerusalem from my hand?"

Hezekiah was faced with a choice between faith in God and political alliances. Now the people was faced with this same choice. Faith in God or the led-belief security in Assyria.

: We are also faced with the same choice. Faith in God or reliance on other matters more that we think would cause us to be secure.

21 But the people remained silent and said nothing in reply, because the king had commanded, "Do not answer him."
22 Then Eliakim son of Hilkiah the palace administrator, Shebna the secretary, and Joah son of Asaph the recorder went to Hezekiah, with their clothes torn, and told him what the field commander had said.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Isaiah 35

Joy of the Redeemed
1 The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, 2 it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. The glory of Lebanon will be given to it, the splendor of Carmel and Sharon; they will see the glory of the LORD, the splendor of our God.

Nature will recover and rejoice! The glory of God will be seen.

3 Strengthen the feeble hands, steady the knees that give way;
4 say to those with fearful hearts, "Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you."

From a picture of judgement, it transits to God saying to the guilty, the weak, "Be strong. Because I have come. It is time when I exact my judgement on the ones whom have hurt you."

Principle: God will deal with the wicked in His time. Because we rely on God, though we are weak, in Him we are strong.

5 Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped.

People will see acknowledge God and His Word.

6 Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy. Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert.
7 The burning sand will become a pool, the thirsty ground bubbling springs. In the haunts where jackals once lay, grass and reeds and papyrus will grow.
8 And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness. The unclean will not journey on it; it will be for those who walk in that Way; wicked fools will not go about on it. [a]

Again a picture of recovery, rejuvenation. And there will be a highway where only those who walk in God's way can enter.

Have we ensured that we have an entrance ticket to walk on this highway? Or are we thinking we have access but actually not? Acknowledge God, acknowledge His Word.

9 No lion will be there, nor will any ferocious beast get up on it; they will not be found there. But only the redeemed will walk there,

Only the redeemed, the people who have been redeemed by the redeemer, Jesus Christ, will walk on this highway.

10 and the ransomed of the LORD will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away.

Ransomed. We are ransomed by God. The price paid? Jesus Christ. A picture of heaven, singing, everlasting joy will envelope us, and no more sorrow and sighing. Every tear will be wiped away.

Nehemiah 8:1-12

Ezra Reads the Law

When the seventh month came and the Israelites had settled in their towns,1 all the people assembled as one man in the square before the Water Gate. They told Ezra the scribe to bring out the Book of the Law of Moses, which the LORD had commanded for Israel.
2 So on the first day of the seventh month Ezra the priest brought the Law before the assembly, which was made up of men and women and all who were able to understand. 3 He read it aloud from daybreak till noon as he faced the square before the Water Gate in the presence of the men, women and others who could understand. And all the people listened attentively to the Book of the Law.

People coming before the Lord, listening attentively to His Word. Focusing on God, not on the antics of man.

4 Ezra the scribe stood on a high wooden platform built for the occasion. Beside him on his right stood Mattithiah, Shema, Anaiah, Uriah, Hilkiah and Maaseiah; and on his left were Pedaiah, Mishael, Malkijah, Hashum, Hashbaddanah, Zechariah and Meshullam.
5 Ezra opened the book. All the people could see him because he was standing above them; and as he opened it, the people all stood up. 6 Ezra praised the LORD, the great God; and all the people lifted their hands and responded, "Amen! Amen!" Then they bowed down and worshiped the LORD with their faces to the ground.
7 The Levites—Jeshua, Bani, Sherebiah, Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodiah, Maaseiah, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad, Hanan and Pelaiah—instructed the people in the Law while the people were standing there. 8 They read from the Book of the Law of God, making it clear [a] and giving the meaning so that the people could understand what was being read.
9 Then Nehemiah the governor, Ezra the priest and scribe, and the Levites who were instructing the people said to them all, "This day is sacred to the LORD your God. Do not mourn or weep." For all the people had been weeping as they listened to the words of the Law.

There is a time to weep, there is a time to rejoice. Now is the time to rejoice before the Lord. When its time to rejoice before the Lord, let's put down our worldly burdens and just rejoice in Him.

10 Nehemiah said, "Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength."
11 The Levites calmed all the people, saying, "Be still, for this is a sacred day. Do not grieve."
12 Then all the people went away to eat and drink, to send portions of food and to celebrate with great joy, because they now understood the words that had been made known to them.

What a joy it is to understand, apply the Word of God. The bible is not some mysterious old text but full of Life and application for us! And it is indeed a joy for His word to water us.

Nehemiah 6-7

Nehemiah 6
Further Opposition to the Rebuilding

1 When word came to Sanballat, Tobiah, Geshem the Arab and the rest of our enemies that I had rebuilt the wall and not a gap was left in it—though up to that time I had not set the doors in the gates- 2 Sanballat and Geshem sent me this message: "Come, let us meet together in one of the villages on the plain of Ono." But they were scheming to harm me; 3 so I sent messengers to them with this reply: "I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you?" 4 Four times they sent me the same message, and each time I gave them the same answer.

The devil is not happy when God's children acknowledges Him, serves Him and works for Him. The man who opposes God too is not happy.

Let us remind ourselves not to be like these man, when jealousy invokes our hearts, we may forget that we are God's children and even detest it when other bros/sis in Christs serves God fervently and we just sit there, full of jealously, bitterness, envy.

Nehemiah 7
1 After the wall had been rebuilt and I had set the doors in place, the gatekeepers and the singers and the Levites were appointed. 2 I put in charge of Jerusalem my brother Hanani, along with Hananiah the commander of the citadel, because he was a man of integrity and feared God more than most men do. 3 I said to them, "The gates of Jerusalem are not to be opened until the sun is hot. While the gatekeepers are still on duty, have them shut the doors and bar them. Also appoint residents of Jerusalem as guards, some at their posts and some near their own houses."

We see how Nehemiah selected people to positions, might be that the factor is ability, but we see that on top of all that, the most important factor singled out was that
1. Man of Integrity
2. Feared God more than others. As mentioned in Proverbs, The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

We might be used by God due to our ability, but above all, we can only be truly used when we are of integrity and God fearing, to the extent that this fear surpasses others' fear of God.

The List of the Exiles Who Returned

4 Now the city was large and spacious, but there were few people in it, and the houses had not yet been rebuilt. 5 So my God put it into my heart to assemble the nobles, the officials and the common people for registration by families. I found the genealogical record of those who had been the first to return. This is what I found written there:

Nehemiah shows that order and sequence is important in governance. Hence, let this help us in our administration in our various ministries.

6 These are the people of the province who came up from the captivity of the exiles whom Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon had taken captive (they returned to Jerusalem and Judah, each to his own town, 7 in company with Zerubbabel, Jeshua, Nehemiah, Azariah, Raamiah, Nahamani, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispereth, Bigvai, Nehum and Baanah): The list of the men of Israel:
8 the descendants of Parosh 2,172
9 of Shephatiah 372
10 of Arah 652
11 of Pahath-Moab (through the line of Jeshua and Joab) 2,818
12 of Elam 1,254
13 of Zattu 845
14 of Zaccai 760
15 of Binnui 648
16 of Bebai 628
17 of Azgad 2,322
18 of Adonikam 667
19 of Bigvai 2,067
20 of Adin 655
21 of Ater (through Hezekiah) 98
22 of Hashum 328
23 of Bezai 324
24 of Hariph 112
25 of Gibeon 95
26 the men of Bethlehem and Netophah 188
27 of Anathoth 128
28 of Beth Azmaveth 42
29 of Kiriath Jearim, Kephirah and Beeroth 743
30 of Ramah and Geba 621
31 of Micmash 122
32 of Bethel and Ai 123
33 of the other Nebo 52
34 of the other Elam 1,254
35 of Harim 320
36 of Jericho 345
37 of Lod, Hadid and Ono 721
38 of Senaah 3,930
39 The priests: the descendants of Jedaiah (through the family of Jeshua) 973
40 of Immer 1,052
41 of Pashhur 1,247
42 of Harim 1,017
43 The Levites: the descendants of Jeshua (through Kadmiel through the line of Hodaviah) 74
44 The singers: the descendants of Asaph 148
45 The gatekeepers: the descendants of Shallum, Ater, Talmon, Akkub, Hatita and Shobai 138
46 The temple servants: the descendants of Ziha, Hasupha, Tabbaoth,
47 Keros, Sia, Padon,
48 Lebana, Hagaba, Shalmai,
49 Hanan, Giddel, Gahar,
50 Reaiah, Rezin, Nekoda,
51 Gazzam, Uzza, Paseah,
52 Besai, Meunim, Nephussim,
53 Bakbuk, Hakupha, Harhur,
54 Bazluth, Mehida, Harsha,
55 Barkos, Sisera, Temah,
56 Neziah and Hatipha
57 The descendants of the servants of Solomon: the descendants of Sotai, Sophereth, Perida,
58 Jaala, Darkon, Giddel,
59 Shephatiah, Hattil, Pokereth-Hazzebaim and Amon
60 The temple servants and the descendants of the servants of Solomon 392
61 The following came up from the towns of Tel Melah, Tel Harsha, Kerub, Addon and Immer, but they could not show that their families were descended from Israel:
62 the descendants of Delaiah, Tobiah and Nekoda 642
63 And from among the priests: the descendants of Hobaiah, Hakkoz and Barzillai (a man who had married a daughter of Barzillai the Gileadite and was called by that name).
64 These searched for their family records, but they could not find them and so were excluded from the priesthood as unclean. 65 The governor, therefore, ordered them not to eat any of the most sacred food until there should be a priest ministering with the Urim and Thummim.
66 The whole company numbered 42,360, 67 besides their 7,337 menservants and maidservants; and they also had 245 men and women singers. 68 There were 736 horses, 245 mules, [b] 69 435 camels and 6,720 donkeys.
70 Some of the heads of the families contributed to the work. The governor gave to the treasury 1,000 drachmas [c] of gold, 50 bowls and 530 garments for priests.

Nehemiah not only governs at a wide level, but also he goes down to specifics and makes sure that things are all accounted for. He is not slack in his work.

This governor, is it referring to Nehemiah himself? Might be that in his humility, he didn't want to mention his own name in this good act.

71 Some of the heads of the families gave to the treasury for the work 20,000 drachmas [d] of gold and 2,200 minas [e] of silver. 72 The total given by the rest of the people was 20,000 drachmas of gold, 2,000 minas [f] of silver and 67 garments for priests.
73 The priests, the Levites, the gatekeepers, the singers and the temple servants, along with certain of the people and the rest of the Israelites, settled in their own towns.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Isaiah 34

Isaiah 34
Judgment Against the Nations
1 Come near, you nations, and listen; pay attention, you peoples! Let the earth hear, and all that is in it, the world, and all that comes out of it!
2 The LORD is angry with all nations; his wrath is upon all their armies. He will totally destroy them, he will give them over to slaughter.
3 Their slain will be thrown out, their dead bodies will send up a stench; the mountains will be soaked with their blood.
4 All the stars of the heavens will be dissolved and the sky rolled up like a scroll; all the starry host will fall like withered leaves from the vine, like shriveled figs from the fig tree.
5 My sword has drunk its fill in the heavens; see, it descends in judgment on Edom, the people I have totally destroyed.

A picture painting the total destruction brought about God's judgement to an unlistening nation. Later, Edom is pointed out specifically. Originally descended from Esau, brother of Jacob. Later fulfilled again as Edom was considered a brother nation to Israel. But yet, Edom allied with a foreign nation and attacked Israel, her sister nation. Such was an even greater sin. God's judgement has befalled Edom.

6 The sword of the LORD is bathed in blood, it is covered with fat— the blood of lambs and goats, fat from the kidneys of rams. For the LORD has a sacrifice in Bozrah and a great slaughter in Edom.
7 And the wild oxen will fall with them, the bull calves and the great bulls. Their land will be drenched with blood, and the dust will be soaked with fat.

Covered/soaked with fat, Edom enjoyed excess. But it had forgotten the most important thing, which is to honor God.

Principle: Let us not forget the most important thing, to honor God. Not to rely on our excesses.

8 For the LORD has a day of vengeance, a year of retribution, to uphold Zion's cause.
9 Edom's streams will be turned into pitch, her dust into burning sulfur; her land will become blazing pitch!
10 It will not be quenched night and day; its smoke will rise forever. From generation to generation it will lie desolate; no one will ever pass through it again.
11 The desert owl and screech owl will possess it; the great owl and the raven will nest there. God will stretch out over Edom the measuring line of chaos and the plumb line of desolation.
12 Her nobles will have nothing there to be called a kingdom, all her princes will vanish away.
13 Thorns will overrun her citadels, nettles and brambles her strongholds. She will become a haunt for jackals, a home for owls.
14 Desert creatures will meet with hyenas, and wild goats will bleat to each other; there the night creatures will also repose and find for themselves places of rest.
15 The owl will nest there and lay eggs, she will hatch them, and care for her young under the shadow of her wings; there also the falcons will gather, each with its mate.

Picture of Edom's destruction continues. No man will be left, animals will roam the desolate land.

16 Look in the scroll of the LORD and read: None of these will be missing, not one will lack her mate. For it is his mouth that has given the order, and his Spirit will gather them together.

What the Lord hath said, what will be fulfilled. There is no longer any nation called Edom today. God promised the preserverance of Israel, and this nation is standing defiantly today. God's Word will hold true forever and whatever has been promised will come to pass.

17 He allots their portions; his hand distributes them by measure. They will possess it forever and dwell there from generation to generation.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Isaiah 33

Isaiah 33
Distress and Help

1 Woe to you, O destroyer, you who have not been destroyed! Woe to you, O traitor, you who have not been betrayed! When you stop destroying, you will be destroyed; when you stop betraying, you will be betrayed.

Probably referring to Assryia, destroyer of Israel. The evil will receive judgement in God's time. No one will escape, though they might seem to be rampant now.

2 O LORD, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress.

Let us pray to the Lord every morning. He is our renewed strength to meet the day's challenges ahead.
And of course, our salvation in times of distress, when we have no one to go to, when we will we are disappointed by everyone, with everything, God is our salvation.

3 At the thunder of your voice, the peoples flee; when you rise up, the nations scatter.
4 Your plunder, O nations, is harvested as by young locusts; like a swarm of locusts men pounce on it.
5 The LORD is exalted, for he dwells on high; he will fill Zion with justice and righteousness.

Principle: The Lord is to be exalted. Fullstop. If man depends on their materials, their materials will one day disappear into nothingness, like a harvest swamped by locusts.

6 He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the LORD is the key to this treasure. [a]
7 Look, their brave men cry aloud in the streets; the envoys of peace weep bitterly.
8 The highways are deserted, no travelers are on the roads. The treaty is broken, its witnesses [b] are despised, no one is respected.
9 The land mourns [c] and wastes away, Lebanon is ashamed and withers; Sharon is like the Arabah, and Bashan and Carmel drop their leaves.

A picture of devastation.

10 "Now will I arise," says the LORD. "Now will I be exalted; now will I be lifted up.
11 You conceive chaff, you give birth to straw; your breath is a fire that consumes you.
12 The peoples will be burned as if to lime; like cut thornbushes they will be set ablaze."
13 You who are far away, hear what I have done; you who are near, acknowledge my power!

Whatever man has done, has come to meaningless. Chaff is unwanted harvest. Man's own breath consumes him. All resulting because we are far away from God. God commands us to hear, acknowledge His doing, His power.

Principle: God's doing and power has to be acknowledged. His doing and power in our own personal lives, how He helped us in times of need, His graces, we have to acknowledge Him!

14 The sinners in Zion are terrified; trembling grips the godless: "Who of us can dwell with the consuming fire? Who of us can dwell with everlasting burning?"
15 He who walks righteously and speaks what is right, who rejects gain from extortion and keeps his hand from accepting bribes, who stops his ears against plots of murder and shuts his eyes against contemplating evil-
16 this is the man who will dwell on the heights, whose refuge will be the mountain fortress. His bread will be supplied, and water will not fail him.

The terrifying result of sin is exemplified. Who can withstand unquenching fire?
But the man who
1. acts righteously
2. considers his speech
3. withstands corruption
4. runs away from evil
will enjoy refuge in the Lord, with his needs provided, and dangers not overcoming him.
What a promise from the Lord!

17 Your eyes will see the king in his beauty and view a land that stretches afar.
18 In your thoughts you will ponder the former terror: "Where is that chief officer? Where is the one who took the revenue? Where is the officer in charge of the towers?"

A picture of destruction again. No one to hold roles.

19 You will see those arrogant people no more, those people of an obscure speech, with their strange, incomprehensible tongue.
20 Look upon Zion, the city of our festivals; your eyes will see Jerusalem, a peaceful abode, a tent that will not be moved; its stakes will never be pulled up, nor any of its ropes broken.
21 There the LORD will be our Mighty One. It will be like a place of broad rivers and streams. No galley with oars will ride them, no mighty ship will sail them.
22 For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; it is he who will save us.

The Lord judges us by the Laws that He has revealed to us. But it doesn't stop there, for He knows we do not meet the benchmark of God. God 's love manifests now. He is our King, He SAVES us by grace.

23 Your rigging hangs loose: The mast is not held secure, the sail is not spread. Then an abundance of spoils will be divided and even the lame will carry off plunder.
24 No one living in Zion will say, "I am ill"; and the sins of those who dwell there will be forgiven.

Blessings overflow from the Lord, and the ultimate blessing to man, the forgiveness of man's sin.

Isaiah 32:14-20

Salvation from the Spirit
14 The fortress will be abandoned, the noisy city deserted; citadel and watchtower will become a wasteland forever, the delight of donkeys, a pasture for flocks,
15 till the Spirit is poured upon us from on high, and the desert becomes a fertile field, and the fertile field seems like a forest.
16 Justice will dwell in the desert and righteousness live in the fertile field.

Everything remains desolate till the Spirit is poured out on us. Reminscent of the fact that before Jesus ascended into Heaven, when He said that the Spirit will be with us when He leaves. The Spirit will remind us of God's Word, will be our helper, our comforter.

When the Spirit is with us, nature becomes edified, more than that, people are edified. There will be justice and righteousness.

17 The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever.
18 My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.
19 Though hail flattens the forest and the city is leveled completely,
20 how blessed you will be, sowing your seed by every stream, and letting your cattle and donkeys range free.

Summarized by v 17. To act in rightheousness brings peace, quietness and confidence forever.
These three, many thought they can get it through wealth, fame, power, but the bible tells us that we get it through acting in righteouness.

Acting in righteousness might upset people, might bring us in trouble not always gaining us in favour of man, but underlying it, is God's peace, quietness and confidence with us.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Isaiah 32:9-13

The Women of Jerusalem
9 You women who are so complacent, rise up and listen to me; you daughters who feel secure, hear what I have to say!
10 In little more than a year you who feel secure will tremble; the grape harvest will fail, and the harvest of fruit will not come.
11 Tremble, you complacent women; shudder, you daughters who feel secure! Strip off your clothes, put sackcloth around your waists.
12 Beat your breasts for the pleasant fields, for the fruitful vines
13 and for the land of my people, a land overgrown with thorns and briers— yes, mourn for all houses of merriment and for this city of revelry.

Warning to those who feel safe, complacent. We feel secure over our material wealths, our bonuses, our salaries, our property, but if our security is based upon just all these, they will fail us. Inflation can wipe out wealth in a second. Property prices can drop overnight.

Our security is not based on what we have, but on God. Our good does not lie outside of God.

Isaiah 32:1-8

Hmmm, let me attempt to put my sun sch classes online! =)

Isaiah 32: 1-8
The Kingdom of Righteousness

1 See, a king will reign in righteousness and rulers will rule with justice.

Fulfilled in Jesus Christ, who reigned in righteouness and justice, instead of the past/current Kings. eg. King Hezekiah, who ruled during Isaiah's time. Isaiah expected him to rule righteously, but he disappointed. Like so many others before him, the King ruled unrighteously, oppressed the weak, did not judge justly.

2 Each man will be like a shelter from the wind and a refuge from the storm, like streams of water in the desert and the shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land.

Jesus Christ would have rule with his helpers. Each helper would offer great help, advice, like a shelter and refuge from attacks. Like precious water that quenches thirst in its most needed time. In contrast, the helper of Kings, would only seek their own good, curry favor with their King, give advice to the King to continue his unrighteous ruling.

3 Then the eyes of those who see will no longer be closed, and the ears of those who hear will listen.
4 The mind of the rash will know and understand, and the stammering tongue will be fluent and clear.

People will seek the Lord and understand His Word. This is in contrast in earlier verses proclaiming the hardening of the Israelites' heart, when though they have eyes, can't see, and ears but can't hear. People will understand His word, and prophets once again will preach His word with strength.
5 No longer will the fool be called noble nor the scoundrel be highly respected.

People will be able to discern. To more of good being seen as bad, or bad being seen or good. No more relativism. People will discern by the wisdom of God!

6 For the fool speaks folly, his mind is busy with evil: He practices ungodliness and spreads error concerning the LORD; the hungry he leaves empty and from the thirsty he withholds water.
7 The scoundrel's methods are wicked, he makes up evil schemes to destroy the poor with lies, even when the plea of the needy is just.

Very proverb like simple to understand commands. But we so often neglect to apply.
May God clear our minds of evil. We constantly, plot, scheme, hate our friends, colleagues, we hope for their down fall, our minds are just busy with evil.

Principle & Application:
1. May God help us to not have a mind busy with evil but a mind who mediates upon God's Word day and night.
2. Do not discriminate against the poor, the weak, the disadvantaged. Do not gang up on our needy friends or those who can't 'fit in' or those who just seem to be isolated. Reach out our hand to them, they are the needy.

8 But the noble man makes noble plans, and by noble deeds he stands.

We stand by what we do. Let's bear good testimony to others, manifesting God 's and Jesus's love. By our noble deeds, we stand and that others will believe.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Personal Evangelism Walkthrough

I've been pondering on how to engage people during personal evangelism. Every 3rd week of the month, YF would go to East Coast and give out gospel tracts and if the opportunity arises, we share more in-depth on the wonderful Gospel.

Too often I've been dumb strucked and I feel kinda bad about it, not being able to belt out more clearly the most important message in the world, the Gospel, the saving grace by Jesus's blood. Hence, I've been thinking about what I should say.. and by God's grace..I would just simply......

SAY HIS WORD! His plain and simple word. Somehow I am having difficulty using gospel tracts as I dun really find myself engaged with it. Please note that this is just my own experience and many many others have found gospel tracts to be God's Word speaking through it and being able to reach out to people through it. And of course they are something which people can bring back and read at their own discretion.

Back to sharing with people with His Word. Specifically, His Word in John 3:16.

Below is a typical scenario which I will rehearse now hopefully that it would adepquately prepare me more  when I share with someone in the future.

What is this? (referring to the tract)

This is a gospel tract, sharing the good news about Jesus Christ. Jesus loves you and wants to save.

Would you be willing if I were to speak a few minutes sharing with you about the good news of Jesus Christ?

If he/she replies no, just give him the tract and say a friendly thank you plus a good afternoon rounds it off well.
If yes! Thank God! Proceed on.

The bible says, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."

"God so loved the world" This God which created the heavens and the earth, loves you. He loves you like how a parent loves a child.

The unfortunate thing is that man have sinned (can elaborate about the sins, should be quite easy). And the sin have caused us to be separated from God. This sin if left uncleansed, would cause us to be departed from God.

But God loves us too much to leave us to departed, hence. "He gave His one and only Son" to us
His love is so great till He is gives His Son to us. Specifically to die for us, to suffer for us. That He paid the price for all mankind's sin.
"That whoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."
Jesus had paid the price. His grace to us, undeserving sinners. To receive this gift, we accept it back believeing. By Believeing. Not by good works, but by faith.
(can elaborate about salvation by faith, and not by works as comparison to other religions.)

Having received this gift, what's the end result? "have eternal life." The end state of man is not in a urn or grave. Beyond, we either spend eternity with God, or without Him. In receiving this gift, we are assured, confirmed, very confident and sure that we will spend eternity with God and also with other believers.

If by God's grace, our listener is still patiently listening, let's go on and help him/her to learn how to pray, to call out to God. No rocket science. Its simply calling out in your heart, to Jesus. To accept Him as saviour.

Glory to God if we have reached all the way here! If he/she is willing, we can lead him in a prayer that is contained in all gospel tracts. The prayer where we accept Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour.

And of course, don't forget the logistics part, get address, fone no., provide church address, worship timings, contact address or email. Encourage to come to church and even if not our church, other churches. Using address, we can follow up with more booklets, tracts, and reminders about worship timings.

Ok! May God grant me the strength to apply all these in my next personal evangelism!