Sunday, May 18, 2008

Personal Evangelism Walkthrough

I've been pondering on how to engage people during personal evangelism. Every 3rd week of the month, YF would go to East Coast and give out gospel tracts and if the opportunity arises, we share more in-depth on the wonderful Gospel.

Too often I've been dumb strucked and I feel kinda bad about it, not being able to belt out more clearly the most important message in the world, the Gospel, the saving grace by Jesus's blood. Hence, I've been thinking about what I should say.. and by God's grace..I would just simply......

SAY HIS WORD! His plain and simple word. Somehow I am having difficulty using gospel tracts as I dun really find myself engaged with it. Please note that this is just my own experience and many many others have found gospel tracts to be God's Word speaking through it and being able to reach out to people through it. And of course they are something which people can bring back and read at their own discretion.

Back to sharing with people with His Word. Specifically, His Word in John 3:16.

Below is a typical scenario which I will rehearse now hopefully that it would adepquately prepare me more  when I share with someone in the future.

What is this? (referring to the tract)

This is a gospel tract, sharing the good news about Jesus Christ. Jesus loves you and wants to save.

Would you be willing if I were to speak a few minutes sharing with you about the good news of Jesus Christ?

If he/she replies no, just give him the tract and say a friendly thank you plus a good afternoon rounds it off well.
If yes! Thank God! Proceed on.

The bible says, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."

"God so loved the world" This God which created the heavens and the earth, loves you. He loves you like how a parent loves a child.

The unfortunate thing is that man have sinned (can elaborate about the sins, should be quite easy). And the sin have caused us to be separated from God. This sin if left uncleansed, would cause us to be departed from God.

But God loves us too much to leave us to departed, hence. "He gave His one and only Son" to us
His love is so great till He is gives His Son to us. Specifically to die for us, to suffer for us. That He paid the price for all mankind's sin.
"That whoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."
Jesus had paid the price. His grace to us, undeserving sinners. To receive this gift, we accept it back believeing. By Believeing. Not by good works, but by faith.
(can elaborate about salvation by faith, and not by works as comparison to other religions.)

Having received this gift, what's the end result? "have eternal life." The end state of man is not in a urn or grave. Beyond, we either spend eternity with God, or without Him. In receiving this gift, we are assured, confirmed, very confident and sure that we will spend eternity with God and also with other believers.

If by God's grace, our listener is still patiently listening, let's go on and help him/her to learn how to pray, to call out to God. No rocket science. Its simply calling out in your heart, to Jesus. To accept Him as saviour.

Glory to God if we have reached all the way here! If he/she is willing, we can lead him in a prayer that is contained in all gospel tracts. The prayer where we accept Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour.

And of course, don't forget the logistics part, get address, fone no., provide church address, worship timings, contact address or email. Encourage to come to church and even if not our church, other churches. Using address, we can follow up with more booklets, tracts, and reminders about worship timings.

Ok! May God grant me the strength to apply all these in my next personal evangelism!

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